BodyPresencing™ Astrology
Bring joy, acceptance and kindness to you!
Learn about yourself, see yourself with gentler and kind eyes, learn and realize your purpose and potential, and help yourself to reconcile and even heal long-term and acute issues and problems, emotional, physical, or spiritual.
Family Astrology: for parents and their children
Understanding your Charts and Your Evolving Self's Next Class is TBD!
Learn More and Sign Up Today!
Astrology is a science; astrology sessions are an art.
Combination Astrology and Family Constellation Sessions:
These sessions combine the work of Family Constellations with the genetic blueprint as seen through each individual's natal chart. Looking at one's issues and challenges through these lenses gives great insight, understanding, and acceptance of oneself and one's fate, parents, and heritage. Learning to see ourselves differently, with gentleness, compassion, and kindness, also helps us to see our families with gentler eyes. Read more about the constellation work here.
Combination Astrology and Chiropractic or Health-Related Sessions:
These sessions integrate what we learn about ourselves, our genetic health tendencies, and possibilities with chiropractic sessions where the body is aligned as necessary, and meditation or visualization techniques are used. Health suggestions are utilized as seen through the needs of the birth or natal chart and what is going on in one's present and future life. Dietary suggestions are made, and nutritional guidance, allergy testing, and other health-related interventions are utilized. Read more about health astrology sessions here.
Gail Cloud, D.C. Originator and Founder of BodyPresencing™: a system of working with the whole person combining chiropractic techniques, family constellation principles, meditation and visualization techniques, and energy medicine to aid healing and development of one's soul to live whole, healthy, and vital lives. Dr. Cloud has been a practicing chiropractic physician since 1988, graduating from Logan College of Chiropractic in December 1988. In 1997, she began the study and practice of Family Constellations, founded by Bert Hellinger, training with Mark Wolynn, Suzi Tucker, and Bert Hellinger. She integrated the work into her chiropractic work as she believes our bodies are integral to understanding the deep workings of one's unconscious and authentic self. She acts as a facilitator to understand the language the body is speaking and helps to re-align one's body with one's mind, spirit, and soul. She has trained with Debra Silverman and is certified by Debra Silverman as one of her astrologers. She also trained with Judith Hill and is training with Demetra Georgev and Steven Forrest to further her study and understanding of the science and art of astrology. She interweaves the power and understanding astrology gives us into her work in a unique way that integrates one's understanding of oneself and the dynamics of and the voices of those we carry inside us through our lineage and family of birth. She gives a unique approach to the therapeutic process and the ways in which astrology can be used to help us accept ourselves, understand ourselves and our purpose, and help us grow and heal as individuals.
"I am truly amazed and grateful for Dr. Gail Cloud's Body Presencing Astrological reading! The session assisted me is seeing patterns, understanding areas of weakness and, most importantly, building on my strengths. At the time, I was at a crossroads with my career and the information facilitated a transition to a more authentic position. Dr. Cloud's breadth of knowledge adds to the depth and pertinence of this incredibly helpful session. It met and exceeded all of my expectations! Thank you, Dr. Cloud!"
-Kim Trager
"Gail provided an excellent chart with analysis. You provide the usual time and place of birth and Gail creates a very detailed chart . She gave me the chart and a recorded phone call going over every detail. It was incredibly accurate! I love that I can go back and listen as time goes by. It left me feeling acknowledged and justified. After having so many unexplained incidents in my life I felt like I understood myself like I never had before. The analysis provides information on your moon sign, birth star, ascendant sign and transits. I highly recommend having this done."
-Kimberly Keller-Johnson
"When I had my Astrology reading with Dr. Cloud a few months ago it was even more amazing then I thought it would be. I have minimal knowledge and understanding of Astrology but Dr. Cloud had a clear and easy to understand reading to share with me. This was a very life affirming experience. I would highly recommend a session with Dr. Cloud for anyone interested in Astrology, looking for life confirmations, and seeking to understand balance in life."
-Jessica Appel, Elements of Wellness
Dr. Gail Cloud, D.C. Chiropractic physician since 1988. Certified in astrology by Debra Silverman, Kira Sutherland in Medical Astrology, and Steven Forrest in Evolutionary Astrology. Certified and trained by Mark Wolynn in Inherited Family Trauma work. Dr. Cloud looks at the whole person and assists them to be present to themselves and others, in listening to what their bodies are telling them as bodies don’t lie, and in integrating their parts into a whole.
Contact Gail:
gail@bodypresencing.com • 314-995-9755
Dr. Nikki has been reading tarot professionally for over two years. She uses the tarot to find guidance and healing in her work and in her personal life and offers the same to her clients. Dr. Nikki is also a practicing medium, using the tarot to help the living connect with their loved ones on the other side. Find her on Facebook and Instagram at Soul Doctor Tarot.
Contact Nikki:
www.seasonsoflifechiropractic.com • nikki.nienhausdc@gmail.com • 636-448-3244

Astrology & Tarot Sessions
Dr. Nikki Nienhaus and I are offering new, special, one-of-a-kind sessions that marry Astrology and Tarot to create a unique window into issues that haunt us. These sessions provide us with guidance and tools for resolving them.
This marriage of Astrology and Tarot allows paths to open inside us that lead to insights, peace, and healing.
What drives these sessions is a strong desire to understand what haunts us and what keeps us from making choices and decisions that could lead us toward new stories and the life we want to live.
You will find this incredibly helpful if you want insight or clarity into issues of:
Job or Career
Life’s purpose
Where and how to move forward
Relationships of all kinds
Health events/crisis
Greater understanding of self and your motivations
Fears of failure
Life’s transitions; what do we do in the meantime
You will gain the ability to work through issues that have plagued you and become:
More hopeful
See new paths unfold before you which were not available to you before
Feel more in control of your lives
The ability to break old cycles and create new conscious ones
New perspective on old issues
Understand yourself and others more fully
Cost: $150 for an individual session. If you purchase a series of 3 or more, the cost is $125 per session, a savings of $25 per session. Sessions run 75 minutes and can be done in person or virtually through Zoom.
Payable through Paypal, Venmo, or check. Call or email Dr. Nikki or myself to schedule your sessions. If payments are not received 24 hours before your session, the session will be canceled.
Dr Gail Cloud, 314-995-9755
(p) gail@bodypresencing.com • (v) Gail-Cloud-3 • (c) 1561 N. Wason Rd. St Louis, MO. 63132
Dr Nikki Nenhaus, 636-448-3244
(p) nikki.nienhausdc@gmail.com • (v) Nikki-Nienhaus
Gail Cloud, D.C. Chiropractic Physician since 1988. Certified in Astrology by Debra Silverman, Kira Sutherland in Medical Astrology, and Steven Forrest in Evolutionary Astrology. Certified and trained by Mark Wolynn in Inherited Family Trauma work. Dr Cloud looks at the whole person and assists them to be present to themselves and others, in listening to what their bodies are telling them as bodies do not lie, and in integrating their parts into a whole.
Dr Nikki has been reading tarot professionally for just over two years. She uses the tarot to find guidance and healing in her work in her personal life, and offers the same to her clients. Dr Nikki is also a practicing medium, using the tarot to help the living connect with their loved ones on the other side.
You are just an email or phone call away from your first groundbreaking session!
Astrology and Your Evolving Self Workshop
A Wedding of Astrology and Family Constellations
Join me for a one-day workshop where we examine your own personal chart in the context of your evolving self through understanding the moon's nodes in your chart. This is an insightful way to understand your past lives, your early present life, your ancestral inheritance, and the wounds you were born into this life. It will assist you to gain a deep compassion for yourself and see what gets in your way to be the best version of yourself possible. As you become conscious of what gets in your way, you can see the remedies, so what you see becomes a reality.
You will learn:
What your north and south node of the moon is and its significance in your chart
New tools to work with yourself
A greater understanding of you, where you come from, and what you were born into for your growth
A new perspective with which to see yourself and your history
A new ability to step into creating a new story for yourself
A greater appreciation of yourself and why you are here
COST: $100.00 per person
RSVP ASAP: gail@bodypresencing.com or 314-995-9755
A $25.00 registration fee is required to hold your place.
There will be a 90-minute lunch break (please bring your lunch), and snacks will be provided. Before the workshop, I will need your birth time, date, and place.

A Morning of Meditation, Tea, and Astrology
Join me for a morning of meditation, tea, and an astrology topic that is relevant to you personally and to all of us globally.
Enjoy meditating in a serene environment with like-minded people, doing a guided meditation followed by tea and light discussion. The astrology topic will be about how the planets of Jupiter and Saturn show up in your chart individually, what you can understand more about yourself through these strong outer planets influence on you, and then looking at what is to come in the next two years with these planets transiting in the sign of Capricorn, and how these planetary movements may also touch you—no need to have any prior meditation or astrology experience. Come, enjoy the morning, and learn a little bit about yourself for your personal growth.
COST: $50.00 per person. Pay in full through PayPal or you can pay online here. Please call 314-995-9755 or email gail@bodypresencing.com to reserve your space.