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Experience the Power of BodyPresencingâ„¢


Family Constellations is a new genogram that enables us to step into the dimensional history of your family and re-code the effects of the trauma on your life and your health. The Constellation Approach, founded by Bert Hellinger, is revolutionary because it deals with the souls of our ancestors and unresolved family issues. Issues often take years of therapy and can be healed within hours or days through this combined healing modality.


BodyPresencing™ is a unique combination of chiropractic, family, body constellation therapies, core language and preverbal development work, and other disciplines such as massage therapy, physical therapy, art therapy, energy clearing, and somatic wisdom gained from over 23 years of practice. BodyPresencing™ heals the root of the matter by directly addressing health issues and chronic pain as they relate to our family of origin and to the lifestyle choices that have grown out of that family of origin.

This two-day experiential workshop will focus on the following three things:


  • The Body Presencing™ Non-Reactive Formula helps us to learn about ourselves instead of being triggered and reacting; it helps us to get to the root of the matter.


  • Body: helps us to understand the language in which our bodies speak, what they are trying to say, where it comes from, and its connection to our unconscious.


  • Family Constellations shows us how our families are in us, part of us, and what to do with this knowledge so we can live our own lives, not theirs. How to be healthy despite dysfunctional family patterns.

You Will Learn:


  • What your body is trying to tell you through your physical symptoms

  • How shame and anger impact your life

  • That what you think is about you may not be about you at all

  • To understand the hidden language behind your words and body-speak

  • To discover the impact of trauma on your life

  • What is holding you back from experiencing success and happiness

  • A formula for correction and realignment of your body and soul

  • The tools to dance in the rain

Two-Day Workshop Overview:


Day One:


10:00 -11:00

Introduction to BodyPresencing™ and Family Constellations

Lecture: How Past Generations Influence Us Today


11:00 – 11:30

Small Group Exercise: to experience our family’s influence and to discover our family’s basic belief systems


11:30 – 12:30

Treatment Session



The Non-Reactive Formula Part 1: Triggers and How to be Non-reactive


1:15 – 2:30

Lunch break


2:30 – 4:00

The Non-Reactive Formula Part 2: Digging Deep into Our Shadow Sides



Treatment session








10:00 – 11:00

Lecture: Epigenetics and Brain Development. This new science proves how genetic information is passed across generations.


11:00 – 12:00

Exercise: Boundary Training - What and Where are our Boundaries?


12:00 – 1:00

Treatment session


1:15 – 2:30

Lunch break


2:30 – 3:30

Lecture: The Body/Mind Connection - the language of our bodies and understanding the connection of our bodies to our spirit and soul


3:30 – 4:00

Exercise: How Our Bodies Speak - Listening to and Learning from Our Bodies



Treatment session




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