Media Page
Welcome to a more personal connection with BodyPresencing™ and with me as a chiropractor and healer. Not everyone connects through the written word, so I have included multi-media links exploring my work from different perspectives.
BodyPresencing™ Wisdom is a weekly audio that inspires, encourages, and guides us in living a healthy, vital, and passionate life on multiple body, mind, heart, and soul levels. Tune in for a weekly dose of wholeness and well-being. Click here.
In my YouTube Videos, you will find a mixture of case studies, practical suggestions, ideas, and more information about my work in chiropractic, family constellations, and BodyPresencing™. Click here.
Interview with Kimberly Schneider of Conscious Manifesting: In this interview I explore Family Constellations and the “who is actually running our lives” question with Kimberly Schneider. This interview is a beautiful introduction to my work with Family Constellations.
Interview with Katy Hutchison: I had the good fortune to be able to interview Katy Hutchison. Hers is a first-hand account and example of how including, engaging, and allowing a perpetrator another chance can change everyone’s life. Thirteen years ago, Katy Hutchison was a happy young wife and mother. Then, on New Year’s Eve 1997, the course of her life changed forever when her husband was brutally murdered. In this candid interview, Katy shares the poignant story of her journey to justice and wholeness. It is an incredible, thought-provoking story of unimaginable loss and triumph against the odds.
Kristen White, Author of Mystic in a Mini Van: Audio Testimonial
Relationships 101 hosted by Dr. Beth Erickson: I had the honor of being interviewed by Dr. Beth Erickson, a relationship coach and therapist, about the effects of preverbal trauma on the developing child and subsequent issues that can develop. In this interview, I talk about what happens to the growing baby in the womb, how aware the baby is of everything that is going on around them, and the child’s connection with the mother.
Healing Old Patterns for Good: Development coach and therapist Kimberly Schneider introduced me to a meditative exercise designed and developed to help you see your stories through different eyes, allowing new pictures to develop. This will enable you to change and heal the patterns that no longer serve you.
BodyPresencing™ Quiz: I developed this short quiz to see how connected or disconnected you are from your body. When you answer the questions as honestly as possible, what follows is a little insight into what your body's symptoms might be telling you. It gives insight into where you are right now and where you would like to go so you can live a more vital life.